Student Exchange Program


Korea Trip


Korean Community of Saipan 

P.O. Box 501958 Saipan, MP 96950 

Tel: (670) 234-0465


Email: [email protected]



Program Overview: 

The Office of the Mayor of Saipan has been promoting friendship, respect, peace and mutual understanding between Saipan and South Korea through its Student Cultural Exchange Program. The students will have the opportunity to visit South Korea to learn and experience the daily lifestyle, culture, customs, and language of the Korean people through this Korean Community of Saipan Student Cultural Exchange Program. This experience will not only help exapnd your understanding of the world, but also to gain considerable knowledge about your own individual strengths and weaknesses. Simply, accepting the challenge to be abroad inherently demonstrates qualities such as independence, self-confidence and adaptability. This program is annually scheduled during autumn season on September or October. 


How to apply:

Download Application Form Here or visit the Office of the Mayor at CTC Building, Teer Drive, Oleai


Eligibility Requirement and Terms: 

1. Full-time high school student (grades 9-12) in a recognized public or private school.

2. Student must be born in Saipan

3. Applications must be completed and submitted to the Mayor's Office before the given date of deadline. Applications will be reviewed and considered on a first come, first serve basis.  

4. The airfare shall be paid no later than the given date of deadline upon approval by the Student Exchange Program Coordinator. If payment is not made in full by deadline, he/she will be dropped from the program and the slot will be given to the next applicant accordingly. 

5. Absolutely No Refunds will be issued after tickets have been purchased if the student is dropped or withdrawn from the program for any reason (unless airlines find reasonable cause). 

6. Passport must be valid at least six months after the final day of travel.

7. Student must follow the guidelines set forth in the Student Cultural Exchange Contract.

8. Student Clearance form must be signed and approved by student's teachers and counselor. 

9. Students who travel as part of this exchange program are viewed as representatives of the Northern Mariana Islands and must conduct themselves accordingly. 

10. Use or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs, including the use of tobacco, betelnut and/or e-cigarettes will result in being dropped from participating in the program.

11. Additional rules and requirements may be added by the exchange board and chaperones as needed and students will be expected to follow them.


Food, Transportation, Lodging, Activities, Pocket Money:

  • All food, transportation, lodging and activities are covered by The Korean Community of Saipan except for the airfare and travel insurance.
  • Students will be responsible for their own pocket money unless a parent request chaperones to hold on to some or all money.





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